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Snitching Or Doing Business With Bail Bonds: Which Is It?

Snitching Or Doing Business With Bail Bonds: Which Is It?

A Political Debate in the Bail Bonds Industry

Since there are two sides to the entire bail bonds business, the bail bonds industry can spark a wide range of discussions. A lot of politics are used to start conversations. I want you to read this blog and make your own judgment on whether this is snitching or business by leaving a comment. I anticipate there will be a variety of viewpoints, and I’m just eager to know why bail bonds are viewed in one manner than another. I’d like to express my perspective and viewpoint on the problem as a whole before letting you agree or disagree with me.

We are an organization that wants to help individuals in Wichita, Kansas leave prison, take care of their business, and provide a case for why they should be contributing members of society. The ridiculous thing is that despite being a small, centralized community, we have an overcrowded jail. People shouldn’t have to wait in jail to find out if they are guilty or innocent. We offer a service with bail bonds that gives them the flexibility to attend court appearances and work while staying at home with their families.

We occasionally get into an issue with bail bonds that causes some conflict and makes some folks tense. We agree with people that they will show up for court and comply with the rules; otherwise, they risk being arrested and transported back to jail. When they are let out of jail, they knowingly sign a bail, and they knowingly have a co-signer sign a document giving us the right to detain them if they fail to appear in court.

The absurd part of this is that we now have to enforce that someone is held accountable for the loan they received in exchange for getting released from jail. We then asked some people for assistance, and they assured us that they were not snitching. The bizarre thing about half of these folks is that they would give everything to stay out of trouble, but they won’t help find someone for reward money because they think it would be snitching.

The bail bonds business, I said business because we grant people their freedom. If we need to track down a person and make them answerable for the business deal they signed, how is that snitching?

How is it snitching if we are the ones who grant the freedom? We are not the police, and no new charges have been brought against anyone. We are not looking to harm anyone. Simply put, we must uphold our half of the bargain we made with the court system and the defendant we paid to be freed from custody.

Thus, the query is:

Is it snitching or business if someone receives payment from us in exchange for disclosing a person and their location?

I absolutely want to hear your responses!



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